Publisher : Clavis
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Guido Van
Original Language : United States
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 30 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1605370521
Dimensions : 10 x 0.4 x 10.5 inches
Mouse is so curious that he wants to look into everything—even into his friends’ diapers! After he investigates Hare’s seven hare pellets, Goat’s clump of little black droppings, and the contents of many of his other friends’ diapers, they are in for a big surprise: in Mouse’s diaper there is nothing, for he knows how easy it is to use the potty. Perfect for little ones, this delightful picture book will make kids aware of the contents of their own diapers and encourage them to keep them empty just like Mouse does.
Children's Books
Publisher : Beijing Bangson Culture Co.,Ltd.
Language :
Rights Sold : HongKong, Macao, Taiwan
Children's Books
Publisher : Pustaka Nasional
Language :
Rights Sold : Indonesia
Children's Books
Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.
Language :
By : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.(小牛頓科學教育有限公司)