Post by Edebé
Publisher : Edebé Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Antonio Zu Illustrated by : Antonio Zurera Original Language : Spain

Publisher : Edebé

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Antonio Zu

Illustrated by : Antonio Zurera

Original Language : Spain

Rights sold in :

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468331171

Dimensions : 20 × 21 cm

A child's best friend can be a stuffed animal, or a dog, but also, why not?, a book. This can also become an inseparable companion because good friends are for life. Told in the first person, this is the story of friendship between a boy and his toys, including Teddy the bear, Rusty the elephant, and Toby the dog. One day, this boy discovers that his parents also have his favorite toys, but in his case they are books. And he decides to start using them too, until they become his friends for life.

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