Post by Edebé
Publisher : Edebé Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Nayat Kaid Illustrated by : Nayat Kaid Ferron Original Language : Spain

Publisher : Edebé

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Nayat Kaid

Illustrated by : Nayat Kaid Ferron

Original Language : Spain

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 48 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468363950

Dimensions : 13 × 19.5 cm

Little Fox needs to know what time it is to go to school so he won’t be late; he also needs to know when is time for eating or time to go to bed is. Cuckoo clock helps him a lot because it is precise and punctual. But what happens if the clock stops working? Will he make it?

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