Publisher : Edebé
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Carles Can
Illustrated by : Maria Espluga
Original Language : Spain
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 52 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8468346724
Dimensions : 13 × 19.5 cm
Many years ago, in a smiling kingdom, far away from here, lived a king grew tired of ruling his kingdom so he decided to test his three daughters.
Children's Books
Publisher : Edebé
Language :
Rights Sold : MEXICO
By : Edebé
Children's Books
Publisher : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.
Language :
Rights Sold : CHINA( (simplified Chinese)), Vietnam
By : Little Newton Science Education Company Ltd.(小牛頓科學教育有限公司)
Children's Books
Publisher : Editorial el Pirata
Language :
Rights Sold : US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR
By : Editorial el Pirata