In Search of King Anuwong : Unfolding the Mysteries of Thai–Lao History

Post by Sarakadee Press
Sarakadee Press
Publisher : Sarakadee Press Categories : History Author Name : Sujane Kanparit Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Sarakadee Press

Category : History

Author Name : Sujane Kanparit

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 232 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6167767673

Dimensions :

This book explores the contrasting perceptions of King Anouvong, whom Thailand deems a "rebel" and Laos venerates as a "hero." Presented without a nationalist lens, it meticulously situates King Anouvong within a context assumed to be closest to reality. The central focus is on unraveling the question of why the historical narrative has perennially been a "wounded history" between Thailand and Laos PDR.

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