Publisher : Kim Gail
Category : Biographies & Memoirs
Author Name : Kim Gail
Illustrated by : Kwonsisterrr
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 261 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6166083088
Dimensions :
Memoir of a 30-something women who asking to the world which people living in ‘BeautiFul’ life that may be ‘BeautiFool’.
Wonderful life but feel Empty.
“Do we still need to wear Makeup?
If our Own Skin has already Prefect”
Is it time for us to accept the ‘REAL One’ ?
Emotional blemishes make life 'BeautiFool.' The path to unconditional love is self-acceptance.
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Thai Ha Books JSC
Language :
By : Thai Ha Books JSC
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Kim Gail
Language :
By : Kim Gail
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Archway Publishers
Language :
Rights Sold : None