My dear patron

Publisher : Kiridtaphorn Phetmakhieo Categories : LGBTQ+ Author Name : Ingrid K.P Illustrated by : Em-mika Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Kiridtaphorn Phetmakhieo

Category : LGBTQ+

Author Name : Ingrid K.P

Illustrated by : Em-mika

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 650 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165722094

Dimensions : 14.8x21.0 cm


Therawit was a gym rat who worked as a purchasing officer of his family’s company. Due to his work schedule, he can only hit a fitness center near his house in the early morning before going back to spend all his day as a hard-working employee at home. 

Apart from all that, Therawit was also secretly one of the 'patrons' on a website called Patreon. This website allows independent artists to create their work, and patrons to support their artists through donation. He patronized one of the artists named ‘Rintr’ – who created art pieces based on nudity photographs of himself. As he became Rintr’s patron, he had received some of those photographs monthly. 

On one faithful day, Therawit went to the fitness center as usual; working on cardio sessions and planning about weight training after. Therawit happened to notice someone running on the treadmill next to him, who was a very charming young man, and his name was Warintr. And if Therawit didn't get it wrong, this guy might be the artist that Therawit paid him for nsfw photographs every month without fail.

With suspicion in his mind and a crush in his heart, Therawit tried to get close to Warintr and hoped to know more about him. They planned to exercise together, and since Warintr had just started working out, Therawit volunteered to become his coach and guide him to the fitness world.

The story mostly took place in a fitness center, and the main character was dedicated to maintaining one’s health. Readers would get to know basics about stretching, easy yoga poses, and how to cure office syndrome in the most easy-to-follow way. Perhaps, with Therawit’s step-by-step teaching along with encouragement, you might feel like going for a run, or develop workout habits along with the characters!

In another aspect, Therawit would learn about how to deal with Warintr’ secret of being a nudity artist. He was curious at first, but as their relationship progressed, Therawit found less and less importance of knowing if Rintr is the same person as Warintr. He was even ashamed of trying to discover someone's secret without their consent, and learned about respecting one’s profession and privacy.

The novel has portrayed the Thai family’s reaction to coming out through Therawit’s mother – who had no understanding of homosexual relationship – but be able to accept and ready to learn how things work, just because of one reason; ‘Therawit is – and always her child’.

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