Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
Category : Romance
Author Name : Pasrasaa
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 432 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169307457
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Join the ride in “Only One Moon in My Heart" a Romantic Drama packed with twists and turns. Will love find its way through family hurdles, or is it a tale of 'never ever'? Get ready for a story that hits you right in the feels and keeps you hooked till the very end!
Meet Witawat, who thinks he's too cool to be fooled. But guess what? Phanapat, a clever woman still in university, manages to trick him and swipe some cash!
Witawat's not one to let things slide. He's got a score to settle. Following Phanapat to her place, he finds out she's carrying a heavy load— taking care of an elderly grandmother, a little 7-year-old sister, and dealing with loads of debt left by her deceased parents.
Despite the grudge, Witawat steps in to help. He sorts things out and even secures a job for Phanapat at his mom's company. Little did he realize that this act of kindness would become the greatest risk of his life.
As he gradually realizes the depth of his emotions, it's too late. His mom might like Phanapat as a good worker but as his girlfriend? The idea of them as lovers is a line she won't allow to be crossed.
Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
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By : Pasrasaa Publishing
Publisher : Pasrasaa Publishing
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By : Pasrasaa Publishing