Bad Guy [My Boss] เจ้านายร้ายรัก

Publisher : Satapornbooks Categories : Fiction Author Name : Anin Illustrated by : Ding Dong Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Satapornbooks

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Anin

Illustrated by : Ding Dong

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 496 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160035519

Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm


Aware that it is not appropriate for an employee to fall in love with his own boss, “Patt,” a personal assistant to an austere, mixed-race businessman, “Ares,” therefore tries to restrain his emotions and maintain their relationship on a boss-employee basis. However, Patt’s effort is constantly challenged by Ares’s persistent attempt in making him his “one and only” sweetheart. Amid the intense competition in the red ocean of billion-baht-worth businesses where many rivals also want to win Patt’s heart, Ares needs to remove his unlovable characteristics in order not to lose Patt to anyone. Of course, transforming his personality is not as easy as undressing his assistant!

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