Publisher : Pass@kids
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : SongKha
Illustrated by : Mongkol Wancham
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 24 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6163785848
Dimensions : 20.32*20.32
The story is about Pong-Pang's train journey, offering a chance to experience new things that he has never encountered before. The adventure includes going through tunnels, enjoying delicious food sold by vendors on the train, and admiring the beautiful scenery along the way. The book aims to teach children the excitement of train travel, the unexpected experiences they might encounter, and the importance of paying attention to their surroundings. Book Details:
Children's Books
Publisher : UUM PRESS
Language :
Children's Books
Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House
Language :
Rights Sold : USA,South Korea,Denmark
Children's Books
Publisher : Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Language :