Publisher : Storyard
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Susan Napier
Illustrated by : Sukrit Terapanyarat
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 384 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169397915
Dimensions : 15 x 21 cm
The story of filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki's life and work, including his significant impact on Japan and the world—"an essential work in anime scholarship." (Angelica Frey, Hyperallergic) Japanese culture and animation scholar Susan Napier explores the life and art of this extraordinary Japanese filmmaker to provide a definitive account of his oeuvre. Napier insightfully illuminates the multiple themes crisscrossing his work, from empowered women to environmental nightmares to utopian dreams, creating an unforgettable portrait of a man whose art challenged Hollywood dominance and ushered in a new chapter of global popular culture.
Children's Books
Publisher : ASTA ILMU Publishing Indonesia
Language :