Publisher : Mena24
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Mena24
Illustrated by : Dr.Thanaporn Jitpakdee
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 408 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165681773
Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm
Due to the tragic fate of twice vibrant love, Meena is forced to reminisce about her past existance and the consequences that led her to separate from her soulmate. After exerting full efforts to overcome adversity, she eventually encounters unexpected serendipity in a time and place she never anticipated.
Children's Books
Publisher : Edebé
Language :
Rights Sold : GREECE
By : Edebé
Children's Books
Publisher : Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Language :
Children's Books
Publisher : Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Language :