
Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing Categories : Science Fiction & Fantasy Author Name : Paul Adire Original Language : Thailand Rights sold in : English, Thai

Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing

Category : Science Fiction & Fantasy

Author Name : Paul Adire

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in : English, Thai

Paperback : 414 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9748994279

Dimensions : 12.85 x 21 CM

As McGee wondered what to do next, he heard the sound of movement behind him. It was the sound of a heavy object grinding against the bridge and

closing in on him. Turning abruptly, McGee pulled out his revolver. All he could see, in the meager beam of his flashlight, was a monstrous serpent with hard green scales slithering towards him on the empty bridge.

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