Pascual the Dragon Discovers Antarctica

Publisher : Editorial El Pirata Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Max Olivet Illustrated by : Quim Bou Original Language : United States Rights sold in : US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR

Publisher : Editorial El Pirata

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Max Olivet

Illustrated by : Quim Bou

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in : US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, AFR & ASIA X PR

Paperback : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8494611537

Dimensions : 21.59 x 0.2 x 21.59 cm

Pascual is a friendly dragon who loves to travel to earth and discover new places. He travels from Dracum, his planet,  in different ways. In each book, he lands on a new continent, gets to know  the locals, and helps them with what they need. The collection focuses on values such as friendship and kindness and introduces readers to new cultures.

Pascual the Dragon has no flame. He lands in Antarctica, where he will meet lots of animals from Antarctica and the Arctic.  He will try to help them start a fire to keep them warm.

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