Post by Salmon Books
Salmon Books
Publisher : Salmon Books Categories : Comics & Graphic Novels Author Name : Teepagorn Wuttipitayamongkol Original Language : Thailand Rights sold in : China

Publisher : Salmon Books

Category : Comics & Graphic Novels

Author Name : Teepagorn Wuttipitayamongkol

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in : China

Paperback : 192 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6162984358

Dimensions : 7 x 7"

Ever thought laziness could bring peaceful rest? Can being a bit lazy actually speed up tasks? And should you embrace laziness instead of feeling ashamed, making the most of it?

Teepagorn Wuttipitayamongkol explores the seriously unserious world of idleness in his 4-panel comic collection. As a proud advocate for leisure, Teepagorn poses questions about the efficiency of laziness and encourages embracing it without shame. 

In #LAZYTEAM, he takes readers on a lighthearted journey, sharing his extensive research on the art of being unindustrious. From identifying and categorizing various levels of laziness to uncovering surprising pros, Teepagorn invites you to put a pause on being productive and proudly join the #LAZYTEAM. It's the ultimate guide to getting the job done while basking in the joy of being gloriously lazy!

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