Publisher : Sumaa Language And Culture Institute
Category : Education & Reference
Author Name : Sasithorn Yakorn
Illustrated by : -
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 137 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169275534
Dimensions : A4
I Can Read Thai (Book II) is an intermediate textbook for non-native learners of Thai that continues from I Can Read Thai (Book I) which focuses on the Thai reading and writing system.
The book comprises twenty chapters, all of which tell stories through eyes of an expat couple who are living in Bangkok. By studying with I Can Read Thai (Book II), learners will thus gain more vocabulary, have more skill in reading and speaking Thai and have broad picture of life in Bangkok.
Each chapter is self-contained and divided into six parts: vocabulary, reading texts, comprehension questions on the reading texts, vocabulary explanations, explanations of structure, and additional exercises.
I Can Read Thai (Book II) contains 364 separate vocabulary items, with additional explanations of the meaning and usage of sixteen words. Twenty-eight grammar structures are also described with accompanying examples and exercises. To help learners further their studies, at the end of each chapter, there is a conversation activity that encourages learners to practice the correct use of recently introduced material. Individuals can use this textbook for self-study or it can be used in a classroom setting with a teacher providing additional assistance and direction.
This book is suitable for learners who can already use Thai to communicate in daily life to express their needs and opinions, and who can understand simple sentence structures. The book also assumes a basic ability to read and write in Thai.
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None