Truth: The Basics

Publisher : Taylor And Francis Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Jc Beall And Ben Middleton Original Language : United Kingdom

Publisher : Taylor And Francis

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Jc Beall And Ben Middleton

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 186 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1032039879

Dimensions :

Truth: The Basics is a concise and engaging introduction to philosophical theories about the nature of truth. The two authors – leading philosophers in this field – build the book around a single question: what, if anything, is common to all truths, which makes them true? The book explores five important answers (‘theories’) to the given question: correspondence, semantic, verifiability, transparency, and plurality. For each given theory, the following questions are addressed:

  • What is the theory’s answer to the central question?
  • What is the basic motivation behind that answer?
  • What is a precise argument for that answer?
  • What are the biggest objections to that answer?
  • What are a few good resources for understanding more about the theory?

An additional chapter provides an extensive introduction to the notorious liar paradox. Truth: The Basics is an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a lively and accessible introduction to the rich and complex philosophical study of truth.


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