Ocean Glass

Publisher : Raccool Categories : Science Fiction & Fantasy Author Name : Raccool Illustrated by : Littlepinny Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Raccool

Category : Science Fiction & Fantasy

Author Name : Raccool

Illustrated by : Littlepinny

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 270 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6166049046

Dimensions :

Ocean glass

Genre: Fantasy/ Adventure/ Action/ Lgbtq+ (Boy love)

The time has changed, and so has the pact from the past.

Hundreds of years ago, humanity had to send tribute to the Merfolk in order to ensure for smooth seafaring; while at present, the situation is reversed. According to the agreement with humanity, the Merfolk have to send one of their kind to the world on land, in exchange for their ocean not to be invaded.

Lysha is that unfortunate merman.

Exiled onto the land, caged in a tank, and becomes an exhibit in an aquarium unwillingly.

Until one midnight, a mysterious man appears and offers freedom to him.


I'm hired to stole the most important thing in this aquarium.”

And what is that?”


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