Publisher : Dnim
Category : Biographies & Memoirs
Author Name : Dnim
Illustrated by : Dnim
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 67 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6166034769
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This short story contains 5 chapters, each one named after the people who, at that time, held power over her heart, each chapter drawing heart-wrenching lines for both the writer and the readers. This book braids the author’s life events together from back when she was a 13-year-old girl with a love problem, still full of the ability to dream and the energy to reach for it. Until a car accident took away her dreams and her left leg. She was bedridden and hospitalized for almost a year, and went through countless surgeries over and over just so she could be able to walk on her own feet like she used to. The physical and mental wounds from that accident left her with undesired complexions and appearances on her 20-year-old body. Still, she continued her battle, fighting and struggling with her education and the looks people gave her when they kept asking about her left leg’s scars.
Biographies & Memoirs
Publisher : Salmon Books
Language :
By : Salmon Books
Biographies & Memoirs
Language :
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