Publisher : Archway Publishers
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Michele Jeanmarie
Illustrated by : Mochu Shobaru
Original Language : United States
Rights sold in : None
Paperback : 45 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1665747509
Dimensions : 8 x 12
What else could be so sad but an ailing river, a river in which to bathe, play, and eat? Such is the case of this Beaver, whose friend, the River, comes swooshing down with garbage. Coming to his aid is his little buddy and companion, Soccer Ball! They both take on an adventure, and it is no other than airy-stuck-up flowers, jolly ol' bears, and these easy-go-lucky domestic animals.
A Beaver's River is an ideal story drama play for summer camps, drama clubs, theatre arts, and, of course, Environmental Studies. The protagonists lighten things up and invite their audience to look deeply inside, for maybe the solution is really within ourselves.
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Language :
Rights Sold : GREECE
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Language :
Rights Sold : HongKong, Macao, Taiwan