A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Publisher : Archway Publishers Categories : Teen & Young Adult Author Name : Michele Jeanmarie Illustrated by : Mochu Shobaru Original Language : United States Rights sold in : None

Publisher : Archway Publishers

Category : Teen & Young Adult

Author Name : Michele Jeanmarie

Illustrated by : Mochu Shobaru

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in : None

Paperback : 58 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1665747561

Dimensions : 8 x 12

Ever get tired of going to the same Christmas story play at your child's elementary? Get bored no more, for A Partridge in a Pear Tree is here to alleviate such boredom. Each page is chock-full of information as it stays within the subject. Each number represents a historical biblical doctrine or dogma. There are three theological virtues, and so there are three rock stones. 

This book is perfect for drama clubs, chorus, schools, theatre clubs, and clubs and, of course, churches in search of the perfect Christmas Pageant. Each number has an accompaniment illustration, and each page can be traced back to the prosecution of Catholics. It's a historical fiction, peppered with snippets of wry remarks, which actors can embrace by adding their own flavor.

A perfect rendition for the season is A Partridge in a Pear Tree.


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