My Dog Socks

Publisher : Ford Street Publishing Categories : Children's Books Author Name : ROBYN OSBO Original Language : Australia

Publisher : Ford Street Publishing

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : ROBYN OSBO

Original Language : Australia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1925272833

Dimensions :

Join Socks in his secret world, where imagination rules and the everyday becomes extraordinary. While most people think Socks is just an ordinary dog, through a child’s eyes he becomes an enchanted character of many disguises – a chameleon who changes with his environment. One day he’s a contented cow rolling in grass, the next a sleek seal basking on rocks, or even a terrible tiger, sprinting from hunters and searching for prey.


Regardless of his many guises however, Socks offers a dog’s unconditional love and loyalty, for ‘when he is by my side, he is my best friend’.

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