Farmer Falgu Goes on a Trip

Publisher : Karadi Tales Company Pvt. Ltd. Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Chitra Sou Illustrated by : Kanika Nair Original Language : United States

Publisher : Karadi Tales Company Pvt. Ltd.

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Chitra Sou

Illustrated by : Kanika Nair

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 28 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-8181903471

Dimensions : ‎ 9 x 0.25 x 8.25 inches

Farmer Falgu is resourceful and is always positive. He’s a glass-half-full kind of guy and is unfazed by what life throws at him.

Farmer Falgu has had enough of his noisy farm! He needs  a break and he’s off on a holiday. Craving some quiet, he gets on his cart and goes looking for silence. Does he find it? Chitra Soundar writes this remarkable story with a quiet wisdom that resonates with youngsters and adults alike. Her story is joyously complemented by Kanika Nair’s unusual, striking illustrations.

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