Gold-Pasted Cement

Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing Categories : Fiction Author Name : Krisna Asoksin Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Praphansarn Publishing

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Krisna Asoksin

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 686 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165100496

Dimensions :

“I hope you’ll try to understand.” “What is there to understand?” He asked and could not help but sound heartless. “That I didn’t mean to leave you. You really thought I deserted you?” “Yes, Mother,” he answered. “I certainly did.”

Winner of the prestigious S.E.A. Write Award, Gold-Pasted Cement captures the world of privileged Thais in the 1980s, a time of modernization and rampant male privilege. The products of broken homes, Songmuang and Balee are plagued by their past. Now they are determined to build a home. Written with great insight by Thailand’s National Artist Krisna Asoksin, Gold-Pasted Cement is a favorite among Thais.

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