Arrival of Dawn

Publisher : Woman Publisher Categories : Fiction Author Name : Pensri Kiengsiri Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Woman Publisher

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Pensri Kiengsiri

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 214 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9743196737

Dimensions :

And Mother told me that she loved me. Before she died, she told only me that she loved me. It seemed she gave me her blessings too. Though I couldn’t hear her clearly, I put the palms of my hands together and received her blessings. I realized then that I was not the loser but the winner.

National Book Prize runner-up, Arrival of Dawn is the story of one daughter’s self-sacrifice. Feeling indebted to her mother, the obedient narrator spends two decades of her life running the family’s pawnshop and caring for her siblings. Having given up suitors and a career, and now in her middle age, it may be time she puts herself first. A sobering look at a fast-changing, yet tradition-bound, Thailand

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