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Post by Bayard Group
Bayard Group
Publisher : Editions Milan Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Sandra Laboucarie Original Language : France Rights sold in : China, South Korea, Slovenia, Vietnam

Publisher : Editions Milan

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Sandra Laboucarie

Original Language : France

Rights sold in : China, South Korea, Slovenia, Vietnam

Paperback : 128 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-2408014650

Dimensions :

These books puts the accent on interactivity at the child’s level, to open young minds to the world without dogmatism! The reader is invited to construct his or her own reasoning and to obtain the keys to form his or her own opinion. Lively drawings and simple texts, all full of humour, hold the attention of young readers. A real documentary that takes a close look at the common practices of children.

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