Little Chief Goes to the Barbershop

Publisher : Chiefindo Intan Perkasa Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Tascha Liudmila Illustrated by : Inez Tiara Original Language : United Kingdom Rights sold in : United Arab Emirates

Publisher : Chiefindo Intan Perkasa

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Tascha Liudmila

Illustrated by : Inez Tiara

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : United Arab Emirates

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6025295508

Dimensions : 14 cm x 17.5 cm

Going to the barbershop, Little Chief felt a bit scared. “What if it hurts my head?” “What if the barber leaves nothing to spare?” “And others will stare.” “Cause my hair cannot be repaired.” “You should not worry,” daddy said. “You will feel lighter and fresher inside instead.”

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