The Woman Who Cries to The Black Moon (Perempuan Yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam)

Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Categories : Literature & Fiction Author Name : Dian Purnomo Original Language : Indonesia

Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Category : Literature & Fiction

Author Name : Dian Purnomo

Original Language : Indonesia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 319 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6020648453

Dimensions :

Magi Diela was kidnapped and tamed like an animal. Her dream to build Sumba, her
hometown, was scattered. Now she had to fight against her parents, all the villagers, and
traditional custom that robbed her freedom and rights as a woman. When culture had
imprisoned her struggling heart, Magi had to choose her own hell: leave her parents and
hometown, surrender herself to a jerk, or cheat on her own death.
This story was inspired by the tradition of kawin tangkap (kidnap and wed) in Sumba,
Indonesia. Many women became the victims of this wicked tradition. The author, Dian
Purnama, wanted to voice the cries of the women, that was unheard, even to God.

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