Me & Cincin Saturnus

Publisher : Categories : Teen & Young Adult Author Name : Ravistara Original Language : Indonesia

Publisher :

Category : Teen & Young Adult

Author Name : Ravistara

Original Language : Indonesia

Rights sold in :

Digital Access Code : 0 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : -

Dimensions :

His hands went down along the waistline which meant the center of the universe to him. The universe is inhabited by a planet called Saturn, complete with a ring that brings disaster. Zu really hates the “Rings of Saturn”. Why doesn't she have an ideal body like Nayla or the girls out there?

Without realizing it, bad experiences in his past have now turned into nightmares. The mirror in her room seemed to keep whispering to Zu to continue looking in the mirror and criticizing herself.

This bad experience has now turned into an obsession; Zu started refusing to eat and go to a beauty clinic. Is it wrong if Zu wants to have an ideal body to attract Juna's attention?



consist of 14 chapters

been read 1.85K times

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