The Magic School Bus Chapter Book Series(20 volumes)

Publisher : Scholastic Children's Book Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Joanna Cole Illustrated by : Bruce Degen Original Language : United States Rights sold in : China, UK, France, Germany, Turkey

Publisher : Scholastic Children's Book

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Joanna Cole

Illustrated by : Bruce Degen

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in : China, UK, France, Germany, Turkey

Paperback : 1500 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : ‎ 9780439204217

Dimensions : 0.5 x 0.2 x 7.75 inches

The Magic School Bus is a series of children's books about science, written by Joanna Cole. The Magic School Bus Readers takes beginning readers past pages of colorful illustrations and magical bus rides with Ms. Frizzle and the class! Every book is an adventure filled with science and general knowledge fun waiting to be unraveled. This package including box 1 and box 2, total 20 books. Science Readers Box 1 includes these Recycled, 2- Get Cough in a web, 3-and the Shark Adventure, 4-Fights Germs, 5-Inside a Volcano, 6-Comes to its Senses, 7-Butterfly Bunch, 8-Fixes a Bone, 9-The Wild Leaf Ride, 10-Arctic Adventure. Science Readers Box 2 includes these a Heart, 2-Gets Crabby, 3-Flies with the dinosaurs, 4-and the Missing Tooth, 5-Rides the Wind, 6-Flies from the Nest, 7-Blasts into Space, 8-Weathers the Storm, 9-Sleeps for the winter, 10-Takes a moonwalk.

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