Secrets of Singapore Series_Mission Maritime (9 Volumes)

Publisher : EPIGRAM B00KS Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Angèle Lee Illustrated by : Alan Bay Original Language : Singapore Rights sold in : China

Publisher : EPIGRAM B00KS

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Angèle Lee

Illustrated by : Alan Bay

Original Language : Singapore

Rights sold in : China

Paperback : 1500 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9815105544

Dimensions : 215mm x 140mm

Spy Guy and Quiiqueg are back at it again. This time, navigating the bustling waters of Singapore.
In this ninth edition of the much-loved Secrets of  Singapore, dive into Singapore’s maritime culture and history and learn about seaborne trade, busy
ports and the remarkable individuals who contribute to our maritime industry. All this and much more in this best-selling non-fiction series.
Angèle Lee used to be an industrial engineer, once  upon a time. Now, she writes full time. She adores  telling stories—almost as much as she adores her husband and two boys, potato chips, corgis and dodgy puns. Angèle is the author of the Istana’s Open House Adventures series of children’s books, Secrets of Singapore: Spectacular Sports and Secrets of Singapore: Fabulous Food, which won the Readers’ Choice Awards 2023 for children.
Alan Bay is an illustrator and comic artist whose creations have graced the pages of graphic novels, cartoons and video games. His youthful spirit shines through his illustrations, catering to young minds and adults alike. His debut comic book, Atlas (2010), was a collaboration with the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA). He has since published a number of

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