Publisher : EPIGRAM B00KS Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Adeline Foo Illustrated by : Stephanie Wong Original Language : Singapore Rights sold in : UK

Publisher : EPIGRAM B00KS

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Adeline Foo

Illustrated by : Stephanie Wong

Original Language : Singapore

Rights sold in : UK

Paperback : 1540 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9810824846

Dimensions : 140mm x 215mm

It’s my last year in primary school and I’m taking part in my school’s first Tween Idol contest! 

I got myself a Twitter Account to gain supporters. I’m furious that my arch enemy, Michael, is doing the same. Oh man, he’s everywhere—Facebook, IM, YouTube, you name it. But what he doesn’t realise is how popular I am. My secret weapon? My sister WPI (Whiny, Pesky and Irritating) and her two-girl band. She’s so popular these days it’s good to be her big brother. I’m kind of sad that my best friend, Alvin, is also running against me in the contest, but hey, may the best man win. Psst…I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Adeline Foo is an MFA graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Asia. She has 24 published children’s books, including seven national bestsellers. The Diary of Amos Lee: I Sit, I Write, I Flush! won the inaugural Red Dot award for “Best Junior Fiction” presented by the International School Libraries Network (Singapore) in 2009. The Diary of Amos Lee: I'm Twelve, I'm Tough, I Tweet! won second runner-up at the Popular Readers’ Choice Award in 2011. The Diary of Amos Lee is also published in India, Indonesia, China and the Slovak Republic. It has also been adapted for a 10-part TV series on Singapore’s MediaCorp children’s channel, okto.

Stephanie Wong is a designer who has illustrated nine books, had two exhibitions and conducted workshops in Singapore, Malaysia, Phuket and India. She loves “do nothing” beach holidays and exploring hidden gems in cities. For other adorkable projects, news and random musings, visit or check out her swanky new website



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