Publisher : Pustaka Nasional
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Nur Shaliza Zulkifli & Nur Shabrina Afendi
Original Language : Singapore
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 24 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9813260986
Dimensions : 29 x 21 x 1
Rojak Bandung, Rojak India and Rojak Char Kuey can be found at the Kopikita Hawker Centre. Their sellers usually compete to get customers and this makes the customers from overseas confused. However, after hearing the suggestions from the tourists, the three hawkers decide ro join forces. Rojak Bandung, Rojak India and Rojak Char Kuey become more popular than before.
Children's Books
Publisher : PT. GTS Literanesia Adabi
Language :
Rights Sold : Turkish
Children's Books
Publisher : Edebé
Language :
Rights Sold : MEXICO
By : Edebé