Publisher : Flying Eye Books

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Joe Todd-Stanton

Illustrated by : Joe Todd-Stanton

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : Castilian Complex Chinese Czech French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Norwegian Polish Romanian Russian Serbian Simplified Chinese Slovak Swedish Turkish Ukrainia

Paperback : 350 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1912497492

Dimensions : 7.94 x 0.29 x 10.94 inches

Shortlisted for the 2024 Ringo Awards

Sold in 18 languages

Buried amongst the treasures in Professor Brownstone's vault, lie his most prized possessions - a humble collection of books. Filled with stories from his ancestors, they contain tales of fearless fighters, unlikely heroes and legends from years gone by.

Each title in the series follows one character from the Brownstone family in their adventure, focuses on a message or a theme that resonates with young readers, and is set in a different mythical environment.

From Norse myths and gods in Arthur and the Golden Rope, where we learn that sometimes the greatest heroes are the unlikeliest; Egyptian Mythology in Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx, where our hero conquers her fear and discovers her confidence; Chinese mythology in Kai and the Monkey King, where we learn sometimes shortcuts dont work out; to Greek Mythology and heroes in Leo and the Gorgon's Curse, where we learn there are many paths to becoming a hero, and that sometimes not fighting is the bravest thing you can do.

The latest instalment in the collection, Luna and the Treasure of Tlaloc is set in the realm of Aztec mythology and is all about the power of change and the value of kindness.


Joe Todd-Stanton is from Brighton and grew up drawing with his mum. He studied Illustration at the University of the West of England, afterwards moving to London where he currently lives. His children's book, The Secret of Black Rock, won the 2018 Waterstones Children's Book Prize and since then he has written and illustrated eight books with Flying Eye Books.  

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