Publisher : PT. GTS Literanesia Adabi
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Maharhanie Septi N. And Y.S. Gunawan
Illustrated by : Alima Nufus
Original Language : Indonesia
Rights sold in :
Hardcover : 28 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6230997938
Dimensions : 18 cm x 22.5 cm
Award-Winning Book at the Islamic Book Fair 2024 for Best Children's Book.
Many say that Bua is lucky to live on a beautiful hill. But what does that mean if Bua has to live all alone?
L o n e l y . . .
Bua wishes for a friend. He prays and continues to pray. But no one ever comes. Did Allah not hear Bua’s prayer? What should Bua do?
This book depicts an unwavering hope towards the Creator, introducing one of Allah's attributes as the All-Hearing. In this heartwarming tale, young readers will follow Bua's journey of faith and learn the importance of patience and trust in Allah’s timing. A touching story about hope, friendship, and believing that sometimes the best answers come when we least expect them!
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