Publisher : Amarin Corporation PCL
Category : Education & Reference
Author Name : Dr. Som Sujeera
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in : Vietnam
Paperback : 198 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165190091
Dimensions : 14.5 x 21.0 x 1.0 CM
A self-improvement phenomenal bestseller that still holds up.
Discover the further truth revealed in "The Secret", of how this knowledge reveals and can be used in our practical life.
The Top Secret brings Byrne's great revelation a step further. Dr.Som Sujeera takes a penetrating look at The Secret, examining it from a modern psychological perspective, and also from that of a Buddhist scholar. This unique approach helps you put the Law of Attraction to work in your life. Using practical real-life examples, The Top Secret will show you how to become a master of your own destiny and start creating the world you want to live in today. You will learn how to deal with the challenges that face all of humanity: the fears, uncontrolled desires, harmful beliefs, and negative mindsets that keep us and our dreams irrecoverably apart. You will see the truth of the Law of Attraction from a perspective free from any such distortion. You will be amazed by the universe you are then capable of creating.
But beyond the material and the immediate, The Top Secret will reveal to you a greater truth and peace than could ever be found in a world of unending wants and desires. It is here that the wisdom of the Buddha comes in. Combine the truth of The Secret with the teachings of the Buddha to find the type of happiness that has no limit and that transcends this world.
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