Snow Leopard Mei Duo

Publisher : Beijing Dandelion Publishing Company Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Liu Yanlin Illustrated by : Li Zanqian Original Language : China Rights sold in : France

Publisher : Beijing Dandelion Publishing Company

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Liu Yanlin

Illustrated by : Li Zanqian

Original Language : China

Rights sold in : France

Hardcover : 60 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7221171900

Dimensions : 270mm×270mm

Content Abstract:
In the snowy Qilian Mountain, a snow leopard named Mei Duo, just caught a blue sheep alone. But then, she was expelled from home by her mother - it was time for Mei Duo to establish her own territory. From now on, she would face hunger, cold and disease alone, and learned the most important thing for life in this snowy region - independence. With poetic language, the
author takes us to understand how wild snow leopards establish territory step by step, coexist with other animals, and finally breed new life. This process is full of difficulties and challenges. It is precisely this kind of difficulty that makes us see the strength and vitality of the creatures in the snow.
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