The Story of Manchurian Tiger

Publisher : Beijing Dandelion Publishing Company Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Gu Hong Illustrated by : Li Zanqian Original Language : China Rights sold in : France

Publisher : Beijing Dandelion Publishing Company

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Gu Hong

Illustrated by : Li Zanqian

Original Language : China

Rights sold in : France

Hardcover : 60 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7221176998

Dimensions : 270mm×270mm

Content Abstract:
A tiger mother gives birth to three tiger cubs in an early summer. As they grow up day by day, tiger mother  needs to go out hunting frequently to feed them. Sometimes tiger father will come to take care of them when he patrols his territory. One day, the tiger brother chases a rabbit and walks away, targeted by a strange male tiger who then attacks the cub fiercely. Despite tiger father's efforts to rescue, the severely injured tiger brother still fails to continue walking forward... Another year has come, and the little cubs will step on the road their parents once walked.
In the “Top100 Book List” of the 18th Laureate Children’s Books
In the “Top100 Book List” of the Dapeng Natural Children’s Book Award
Popular science on Manchurian Tiger is shared in the last pages

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