Mr.Cat and the Little Fairy

Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Wang Yuwei Illustrated by : Wang Yuwei Original Language : China Rights sold in : France,USA,Japan,Indonesia,Thailand,Brazil

Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Wang Yuwei

Illustrated by : Wang Yuwei

Original Language : China

Rights sold in : France,USA,Japan,Indonesia,Thailand,Brazil

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7559619099

Dimensions : 185mm*260mm

Editor's recommendation

Audience: 3 - 6 years old

Wang Yuwei, an outstanding graduate majoring in picture books from Central America, dedicated herself to the creation.

The Belgian Clavis Publishing Company has simultaneously published it in Europe.

Beautiful pictures and touching stories teach children to cherish life and learn to confront separation and loss.


Content introduction

After a snowfall in the forest, Mr. Cat, who lives alone, discovers a tiny man under the leaves and takes him home. The little person is strange, sees everything as new, and gradually changes the habit of the lonely Mr. Cat.

By chance, Mr. Cat finds out that the little man has the ability to make flowers grow, and he also discovers that the little man's life is only a short winter. Spring is coming, and Mr. Cat has to face the separation from the Little Man...

About the author

Wang Yuwei

In 2017, I graduated from the Picture Book Creation Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In the same year, I entered the Picture Book Creation Direction of the Central Academy of Fine Arts to continue my postgraduate studies.

There is a cat named Cola at home.

Coke was adopted and traveled across half of Beijing.

It was brought back to the palm of the hand, and then relied on and accompanied until today.

It is also because of the experience of owning cats that the story of Mr. Cat and the Little Man was born.

It is hoped that through the position exchange of humans and cats in the picture book, readers can understand that there will be an inevitable loss, but even a brief companionship can be a warm memory for a lifetime.

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