The Little Rainbow Hat

Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Hong Hai Illustrated by : Hong Hai Original Language : China Rights sold in : USA,South Korea,Denmark

Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Hong Hai

Illustrated by : Hong Hai

Original Language : China

Rights sold in : USA,South Korea,Denmark

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7571505516

Dimensions : 185mm*260mm

Content introduction
Oh no! Little Bear's beloved little colored hat was blown away by the wind! Small color hat has fallen on the turtle back, frog body, duck head... Little Bear chased all the way, almost caught up. Who knows, a big bird and small colored hat in the air...

This is a no-word book about frustration education, the author wants to tell the child through this story: in the process of chasing goals and dreams, we must have a strong, persistent, never give up the spirit, but also know how to let go of the normal heart.

About the author
By Hong Hai

The husband and wife team of picture book writers, whose real name is Geng Yanhong and Qi Haichao, has published a number of works that are popular with children. Their works have won the first Zhang Leping Picture Book Award, the second Bronze Sunflower Original Picture Book Award, and the Great White Whale Original Picture Book Award for three consecutive years. "Little Colored Hat" won the silver prize in the second Golden Key Picture Book Creation Competition in 2019.

Wonderful book review
The story "Little Colored Hat" is simple and easy to understand. I believe young readers will like the pictures and colors in it. The completion of this work is very high, and it is a great book.

-- Philip Vallick, president of Clavis Publishing

The author says • Excerpts

Geng Yanhong (co-author of this book)

This is a book about frustration education. We will inevitably encounter difficulties in life, those visible or invisible resistance often make people feel helpless. But in order to achieve our goals and dreams, we must have the courage to pursue them unremittingly and the determination to work hard. Just imagine, if the bear did not chase all the way, when the small color hat fell, the high probability would not fall on its head.

We have a happy ending for Little Colored Hat. But in reality, things don't always go as expected. What if the big bird in the book just likes the hat and won't put it down? There is no way around that. The little bear probably chased for a long time and got nothing. Although I don't give up, I still want to say goodbye with tears. Don't be stuck in the corner can not extricate themselves, know how to let go in time, learn to face setbacks calmly, this is the truth that children must understand on the road to growth.

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