Publisher : Malaysian Institute Of Translation & Books
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Rahimidin Zahari, Jaafar Taib
Original Language : United States
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 50 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9674600372
Dimensions :
In this tale, Sang Kancil tricks Tiger three times, Firstly, when Kancil claims he is standing watch over Raja Solomon’s gong, which is actually a hornet’s nest. When Tiger knocks the gong, he is stung by hornets. Secondly when Sang Kancil claims to be looking after Raja Solomon’s flute. Tiger’s tongue gets caught on bamboo when he tries to blow the flute. Thirdly, Kancil tricks Tiger when Kancil claims to be wearing a magic belt, which is in fact Pythin, who has wound himself around Kancil. Once again, Tiger is fooled by Sang Kancil.
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