Publisher : UUM PRESS Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Ab. Jalil Alimon Original Language : Malaysia

Publisher : UUM PRESS

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Ab. Jalil Alimon

Original Language : Malaysia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 120 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9672210511

Dimensions :

“A Collection of Children’s Short Stories: Spy Mission” contains 12 short stories for

children. Every narrative contains a positive lesson that children may instill. Values

and excellent characteristics such as helping, appreciating friends, loving animals,

not harbouring grudges, and the acceptance that one’s foes may also become friends

are conveyed in this collection. The overarching messages of the stories in this book

become the epitome that nurtures positivity and the ability to overcome any inherent


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