Publisher : Yunnan Chenguang Publishing House
Category : Children's Books
Author Name : Wang Zihuan
Illustrated by : Wang Zihuan
Original Language : China
Rights sold in : Dutch,English
Hardcover : 32 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7571514990
Dimensions : 185mm*260mm
Content introduction
Charlotte lives in Cambridge, England. She is a young girl who loves playing code games. On her birthday, her great-grandmother prepared a surprise code-breaking trip for her. Walking in the beautiful Cambridge, in the process of solving one puzzle after another, a dusty historical story is rekindled... The story contains Morse code, Caesar code and other cryptographic deciphering methods, and also leaves the reader with password puzzles, encouraging readers to use the deciphering methods learned to find answers.
About the author
Wang Zihuan, illustrator and author of picture books. While studying children's literature at the University of Cambridge, I was attracted by excellent picture books from all over the world and came up with the idea of creating my own picture books. After graduation, he studied children's book illustration at Cambridge College of Art. The picture book The Boy Who Collected the Scent was shortlisted for the 2021 World Illustration Awards and won the third Bronze Sunflower Picture Book Award for Potential and the eighth Hiii Illustration International Illustration Competition for Excellence.
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