Publisher : UUM PRESS Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Yaty Sulaiman Original Language : Malaysia

Publisher : UUM PRESS

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Yaty Sulaiman

Original Language : Malaysia

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 247 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9670031200

Dimensions :

Understand the world of consumer buying behavior with our comprehensive guide. Learn about the actions consumers take online and offline before making a purchase, from consulting search engines to engaging with social media. Discover how retailers spend billions to forge connections between consumers and products, using effective marketing strategies such as web campaigns and social media.

See how aligning marketing strategies with successful past efforts can influence purchasing decisions. Perfect for university students, consumers, and marketers alike, this book examines consumption patterns and preferences, offering valuable insights for anyone interested in enhancing their understanding of consumer behavior.

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