Publisher : Malaysian Institute Of Translation & Books Categories : Generic ‏ Author Name : M. Kamal Hassan Original Language : United Kingdom

Publisher : Malaysian Institute Of Translation & Books

Category : Generic ‏

Author Name : M. Kamal Hassan

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 100 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9674304614

Dimensions :

Volume three, the last of a three-volume work on natural science for secondary school students, consists of three chapters. CHAPTER 1 carries the theme “management of the environment, balance, sustainability and the continuity of life”. It starts with an elaboration of biodiversity followed by the nature of interdependence among living things and the environment. What naturally follow are matters of concern in regards to the preservation and conversation of the environment, which are of great importance and pivotal concern in the qur’anic worldview. The world around us is visualised through our senses. Since our daily living depends on them, the matter of nutrition and production of food is dealt with. The physiological functions of living things on which life depends so much, such as circulation, reproduction, coordination and heredity are elaborated upon.


CHAPTER 2 discusses broad aspects of “technology and development”. These include the physics of strength and stability, machine, information and communication technology, chemicals in industry, food production, food technology, biotechnology and the developments of various synthetic material used in industries. Technological knowhow, awareness, accountability and responsibility are the key elements stressed.


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