Raising Your Child With Special Needs: Guidance & Practices

Publisher : Malaysian Institute Of Translation & Books

Category : Generic ‏

Author Name : Donnie Adams, Aznan Che Ahmad, Rajaletchumy Kolandavelu

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 100 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9674608538

Dimensions :

Parenting a child with special needs require high levels of knowledge, patience, awareness, access to resources, information and services. Parents begun a journey of life that is often filled with strong emotions and difficult choices. Proper information, diagnoses, therapies and interventions ensure parents will be focusing on the right methods and activities for their child. There are a wide range of information for types of special needs and therapies, however, often the resources and services are not always easily accessible and available. As such, we the editors, wrote this book to provide quick facts on the many types of special needs in a clear and simplistic manner. This book has a collection of information that covers everything from the descriptions of the types of special needs, illustrations of each type of special needs with infographics, and practical advice to parents and educators on how to help their child with special needs. This book also introduces Ecotherapy, a type of therapy using nature as a form of healing. The Ecotherapy activities discussed in this book can be done continuously, cost-effectively, and in any nature setting. This book has been written as well for anyone who is seeking a user-friendly book on special education to use as a resource, backed by scholarly references. This book is not a manual nor is it prescriptive. It is an introduction, aimed at, on what it means and what is involved in special education. This book is written in an easy to understand and informative form. An absolute must-have reference for any parent with a child with special needs. We hope our readers will benefit from the contents of this book.

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