Noura Publishing

Jakarta, Indonesia |

Noura Publishing is an Indonesian book publisher under Mizan Group, one of the largest book publishing companies in the country. We publish a broad range of books: children’s, young adult, thriller, literary fiction, business, self-help, parenting, health, memoir, business and religion. Our main products are hard copy and digital books, but in the past couple of years we’ve also been branching out into producing premium direct-selling products containing books as well as board games, AR features, flashcards and sorting boxes. Our list of prominent Indonesian authors include the South East Asia Write Award winners Budi Darma and Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The rights to our titles have been sold to the UK, Malaysia and Singapore. In regards to international authors, Noura publishes the works of Michelle Obama, Bob Woodward, A.A. Milne, Roald Dahl, Rick Riordan, Stephen King, Paula Hawkins, Fredrik Backman, and many more.

Products : Children's Books

Showing 1-9 of 9 results

Ketika Pipi Takut

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language :


Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language :

Timbo si jago renang

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language :

Gelinding Andina Subarja

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia

Niabai Sang Pemintal

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia

Sihir Otir

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia

Aku si Penjaga Sawah

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia

Hus Hus

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia

Kejutan Kungkang

Children's Books

Publisher : Noura Publishing

Language : Indonesia