Xeiji Writing

Nontaburi, Thailand | natcha.om@gmail.com


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Xeiji Writing is a self-publisher based in Thailand, uses the pseudonym ‘Xeiji’ for fantasy novel. The publisher falls in love with the world of creativity, aiming to create a place where readers can find fantastic incidents beyond imagination. It has been established since 2019 and has published over ten fictions. Xeiji Writing believes that the reading can help to release stress and pain from reality and hopes that her story could do so.

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Publisher : Xeiji Writing

Language : Thailand

Lost of A Kind

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Publisher : Xeiji Writing

Language : Thailand

Enchanted Eyes


Publisher : Xeiji Writing

Language : Thailand

The Piracy Vipe


Publisher : Xeiji Writing

Language : Thailand

Witchcraft & Knighthood


Publisher : Xeiji Writing

Language : Thailand