Meihua Chinese Learning Series 5

Publisher : ASTA ILMU Publishing Indonesia Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Original Language :

Publisher : ASTA ILMU Publishing Indonesia

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name :

Original Language :

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Audio CD : 0 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6237171614

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Meihua is a Chinese language learning series for elementary school children. Through gradual learning, students will learn the easiest vocabulary first, then the more complex and difficult vocabulary. Meihua refers to the standards of government agencies in China, namely Hanban and YCT. In addition, Meihua uses Indonesian as the language of instruction to make it easier for its users.

By using Meihua, children will master more than 500 Chinese vocabularies and be able to communicate using Chinese in their daily lives.

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