I Could Be a Million Things

Publisher : Clavis Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Jessy Huma Illustrated by : Maarten Arys Original Language : United States

Publisher : Clavis

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Jessy Huma

Illustrated by : Maarten Arys

Original Language : United States

Rights sold in :

Hardcover : 32 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1605377605

Dimensions : 10.25 x 0.5 x 10.75 inches

A poetic celebration of a world full of possibilities, and the beauty of a million things to be and do. Go on a journey across oceans and mountains, gift smiles while traveling far, and find magic in the skies above.

could look for magic or find a million stars. I could be a helper or cross the deep blue sea . . . but my favorite thing in all the world is choosing to be me.

I Could Be A Million Things is a beautifully illustrated ode to what surrounds us and the inspiration to be found in nature, dreams, and the power we all carry inside of us.

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